Want 10, 20, even 30 new paying students to your Gym?!

Michigan affilliate of USA Youth MMA and recruiting partners with the USFL & UFC.

Want 10, 20, even 30 new paying students to your Gym?!

March 24, 2023 coaches 0

For less that $50 a year you get get your gym the new life blood your gym needs.

How you ask?

The fastest growing youth sport in the world is Youth Pankration MMA and USA Youth MMA and their Michigan chapter MYMMA are recruiting gym owners who want to bring in a steady stream of paying students.

Offer your students National and International travel with tournaments in California, New York City, Seattle Wa. or World Championships in Dubai.

Coming soon we will offer gym liability and fighter medical coverage while in route to events.

Follow this link to the USFL and register yourself and your staff as coaches or officials for $20 registration fee and a $25 background check. Once your background check comes back cleared drop us an email with your Gym Name, Address, City, Zip and phone #. to: Info@MyMMa.net

We will rush out a local guerilla marketing kit that includes yard signs, posters and per-written templates for flyers to help you fill your gym.

DON’T WAIT!!!! ENROLL NOW! First Michigan Tournament of the 2024 season in in September in Lansing. Don’t let your gym or your students miss out on this once in a lifetime opportunity.


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